101 Things in 1,001 Days

101 Things in 1,001 Days ~June Recap

My 101 in 1001

I use to do monthly updates on here for my 101 Things list, but I found I just wasn’t marking enough off items off every month to make it actually worth writing about. I think from now on I’ll try to do either every other month or at least quarterly. I’ve also realized that my 1,001 day is up in January. So that gives me 6 months to start marking more items off. We shall see!!

Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be
Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be

First off, I’ve completely finished 2 more books from my list of 40 books. I’m in the middle of several books, but I seem to have readers adhd or something. I get too bored too quickly and rarely finish a book.

Second Time Around
Second Time Around

I also managed to have my family go a whole week without eating out, at all. This may seem like a small thing to some people, but it was really huge for my family. As I mentioned in an earlier post, my husband and I just finished Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. We are really focusing on our finances and we weren’t surprised at all at the amount of money we spent on eating out. Thanks to better meal planning and several freezer meals from Wildtree, I was finally able to mark this goal off my list!

Asian Pork Tenderloin with Spicy Roasted Acorn Squash and Sweet and Spicy Thai Carrot Soup.
Asian Pork Tenderloin with Spicy Roasted Acorn Squash and Sweet and Spicy Thai Carrot Soup.

The last item that I get to mark off is a weekend trip with my husband. While we didn’t have our mountain cabin getaway, we were able to have some time alone. My mother was gracious enough to keep the kids for the weekend while I drove down to Biloxi. My husband was down there for several weeks for business. We spent some time on the beach in Biloxi and then drove down to spend the day in New Orleans. We had such a great time. I really can’t say the last time I felt so relaxed and stress free. I will definitely work on making these small getaways more of a priority.

  1. Pay off all my debt, excluding our mortgage.
  2. Build our emergency fund to 3-6 months of expenses.
  3. Start a Christmas savings account. Jan 2016
  4. Start my kids college funds.
  5. Gain 100 followers on my blog.
  6. Post 2 videos to my YouTube channel a week for a month.
  7. Have 3 blog posts published a week for a month.
  8. Start an Etsy shop, or a shop on my blog June 2015
  9. Make my daughter a toy box.
  10. Grow a herb garden. April 2016
  11. Make (and can) my own spaghetti sauce.
  12. Read 40 books completely and not half way through. ~Made book list
  13. Go 1 entire week (including the weekend) without eating outJune 2017
  14. Take my husband away without the kids for a weekendJune 2017
  15. Learn a new craftJuly 2015
  16. Make at new recipe. March 2017
  17. Lose 20 pounds.
  18. Take a yoga class a few times.
  19. Go a full day with no technology.
  20. Take the Canadian road trip I planned.
  21. Take the kids on a Disney cruise.
  22. Join the local VFW.
  23. Attend a photography workshop.
  24. Host a cooking class.
  25. Make a memory jar on Jan 1 and read everything in it on Dec 31.
  26. Learn to quilt.
  27. Take a weekend trip to Vegas.
  28. Write a cookbook.
  29. Go zip lining.
  30. Make a jar full of rocks with my favorite Bible verses written on them.
  31. Go on a road trip with some of my girlfriends.
  32. Host a huge Halloween masquerade party.
  33. Rent a beach house for a week.
  34. Swim with dolphins.
  35. Go camping with my kids.
  36. Have a picnic in the park.
  37. Make yogurt popsicle with my kids.
  38. Pay a strangers restaurant bill.
  39. Go on a hot air balloon ride.
  40. Learn to ice skate.
  41. Attend the Kentucky Derby.
  42. Take a pin-up photo shoot.
  43. Prepare a care package for a homeless person.
  44. Build a blanket fort.  August 2015
  45. Go to Country Concert.
  46. Make every recipe from 1 of my cookbooks.
  47. Take a Segway tour of a city.
  48. Go to a monster truck rally.
  49. Take a self-defense class.
  50. Make pasta from scratch.
  51. Go one month without shopping except for necessities.
  52. Read 5 biographies. ~Made List
  53. Learn how to tie a tie.
  54. Start a new blog series. May 2015
  55. Give 5 “Just Because Gifts” 1~July 2015; 1~August 2015
  56. Visit Chicago.
  57. Make sushi with my new kit.
  58. Run in a color run.
  59. Have a spa day.
  60. Host a Vision Board party.
  61. Attend a blog conference.
  62. Establish a family tradition. May 2015
  63. Write a guest post for another blogger.
  64. Have a guest post on my blog.
  65. Attend an Alabama home football game.
  66. Host a blog giveaway.
  67. Put $20 in savings for every goal accomplished.
  68. Visit 5 new museums. AF Museum~July 2015
  69. Go on another marriage retreat.
  70. Stop drinking soda for 1 week.
  71. Learn to make a burlap wreath.
  72. Determine my MBA major. Nov 2015
  73. Take a photo booth picture with my hubs.
  74. Go snowboarding.
  75. Have family photos taken every year.
  76. Visit a new stateAugust 2015
  77. Go geocaching.
  78. Go to 3 new festivals.
  79. Be able to do 10 pullups.
  80. Create a business plan.
  81. Make an editorial calendar. May 2015
  82. Order business cardsJuly 2015
  83. Create a media kit.
  84. Have 5 photos accepted to FoodGawker.
  85. Attend a women’s bible retreat.
  86. Make a list of 101 positive things about myself. ~Started on
  87. Make my bed every single day for a month.
  88. Put aside $50 a month for 6 months and go on a shopping spree.
  89. Write a letter for each of my children and place it with my will.
  90. Send a message in a bottle.
  91. Host a favorites party.
  92. Do a craft show.  August 2015
  93. Go golfing with my hubs.
  94. Take each kid on a mom date.
  95. Plan 12 dates (1 for each month) for the hubs and I.
  96. Buy a silhouette cameo.
  97. Make 2 weeks worth of freezer meals. March 2017
  98. Leave a 100% tip. Feb 2016
  99. Have poker night.
  100. Journal every night for a month.
  101. Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years.

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