101 Things in 1,001 Days

My 101 in 1001

My 101 in 1001I’m in love with lists. It could be a simple to do list or my never-ending bucket list. It doesn’t matter. So when I saw my friend Simply Kara post this bucket list challenge, I knew that I had to do one too. This was no easy list to accomplish though. It took me a good two days and some good internet searching to figure out all 101 things. So here’s my list of 101 things that I hope to accomplish in 1001 days.

Start: May 23, 2015

End: Jan 27, 2018

And here is the calculator I used to get my exact date.

  1. Pay off all my debt, excluding our mortgage.
  2. Build our emergency fund to 3-6 months of expenses.
  3. Start a Christmas savings account.
  4. Start my kids college funds.
  5. Gain 100 followers on my blog.
  6. Post 2 videos to my YouTube channel a week for a month.
  7. Have 3 blog posts published a week for a month.
  8. Start an Etsy shop, or a shop on my blog.
  9. Make my daughter a toy box.
  10. Grow a herb garden.
  11. Make my own spaghetti sauce.
  12. Read 40 books completely and not half way through.
  13. Go 1 entire week (including the weekend) without eating out.
  14. Take my husband away without the kids for a weekend.
  15. Learn a new craft.
  16. Make at new recipe.
  17. Lose 20 pounds.
  18. Take a yoga class a few times.
  19. Go a full day with no technology.
  20. Take the Canadian road trip I planned.
  21. Take the kids on a Disney cruise.
  22. Join the local VFW.
  23. Attend a photography workshop.
  24. Host a cooking class.
  25. Make a memory jar on Jan 1 and read everything in it on Dec 31.
  26. Learn to quilt.
  27. Take a weekend trip to Vegas.
  28. Write a cookbook.
  29. Go zip lining.
  30. Make a jar full of rocks with my favorite Bible verses written on them.
  31. Go on a road trip with some of my girlfriends.
  32. Host a huge Halloween masquerade party.
  33. Rent a beach house for a week.
  34. Swim with dolphins.
  35. Go camping with my kids.
  36. Have a picnic in the park.
  37. Make yogurt popsicles with my kids.
  38. Pay a strangers restaurant bill.
  39. Go on a hot air balloon ride.
  40. Learn to ice skate.
  41. Attend the Kentucky Derby.
  42. Take a pin-up photo shoot.
  43. Prepare a care package for a homeless person.
  44. Build a blanket fort.
  45. Go to Country Concert.
  46. Make every recipe from 1 of my cookbooks.
  47. Take a Segway tour of a city.
  48. Go to a monster truck rally.
  49. Take a self-defense class.
  50. Make pasta from scratch.
  51. Go one month without shopping except for necessities.
  52. Read 5 biographies.
  53. Learn how to tie a tie.
  54. Start a new blog series.
  55. Give 5 “Just Because Gifts”
  56. Visit Chicago.
  57. Make sushi with my new kit.
  58. Run in a color run.
  59. Have a spa day.
  60. Host a Vision Board party.
  61. Attend a blog conference.
  62. Establish a family tradition.
  63. Write a guest post for another blogger.
  64. Have a guest post on my blog.
  65. Attend an Alabama home football game.
  66. Host a blog giveaway.
  67. Put $20 in savings for every goal accomplished.
  68. Visit 5 new museums.
  69. Go on another marriage retreat.
  70. Stop drinking soda for 1 week.
  71. Learn to make a burlap wreath.
  72. Determine my MBA major.
  73. Take a photo booth picture with my hubs.
  74. Go snowboarding.
  75. Have family photos taken every year.
  76. Visit a new state.
  77. Go geocaching.
  78. Go to 3 new festivals.
  79. Be able to do 10 pullups.
  80. Create a business plan.
  81. Make an editorial calendar.
  82. Order business cards.
  83. Create a media kit.
  84. Have 5 photos accepted to FoodGawker.
  85. Attend a women’s bible retreat.
  86. Make a list of 101 positive things about myself.
  87. Make my bed for a month.
  88. Put aside $50 a month for 6 months and go on a shopping spree.
  89. Write a letter for each of my children and place it with my will.
  90. Send a message in a bottle.
  91. Host a favorites party.
  92. Do a craft show.
  93. Go golfing with my hubs.
  94. Take each kid on a mom date.
  95. Plan 12 dates (1 for each month) for the hubs and I.
  96. Buy a silhouette cameo.
  97. Make 2 weeks worth of freezer meals.
  98. Leave a 100% tip.
  99. Have poker night.
  100. Journal every night for a month.
  101. Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years.

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